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Monday, October 4, 2010

talk the talk and walk the Walk

This past Saturday, I was driving to work off of Magazine and saw a huge mass of people all wearing white shirts holding banners and signs. They were walking down the sidewalk, not chanting or screaming, just holding their signs for all the read. The banner at the head of the line read: "Walk for Farm Animals".

I looked into the organization and they are a national group with "walks" over several states annually and even events in Canada. They work to promote awareness for farm animals abused in factories and raise money for the improvement of their conditions. They are also sponsored by organizations including, "Boston Baked Bonz: A Unique Dog Bakery and Gift Shop!", "Great Sage, Organic Green Cuisine", "Karmavore Vegan Shop", and "Simply Zen".

For more information:
Here is the fiscal results for the walks:

*Please note: This number represents the total amount raised. In the past we reported the net amount, but beginning with the 2009 Walk we are now reporting the total

Congratulations to the top 10 Walk cities!

New York City$79,644
San Francisco$12,711
Hartford $9,172
South Florida $9,000
Chicago $8,876
Santa Monica/LA $8,774

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