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Friday, September 17, 2010

Green Lit, Food Rules, Us and Nature

I really wanted to talk about Food Rules. I know we have a blog for that, but this post is not really about the rules in food rules, but the idea of food coming from nature so I thought it was more fitting to put it in this blog.

Really Food Rules has really been interesting and it makes the argument that we need to start going back to nature and eat what nature has given us, not something that is chemically made in a lab or plant. We have just started in the class, but as we gone through and look at our reading list, it is a call to nature - to the wilds. As globalization and industrialization we have lost touch with nature and where we and the food we eat come from. As we begin to read this texts on different landscape and environmental issues we are facing we should begin to make changes in our own life that reflect our new understand of nature and an integration back into it.

Food Rules is one of the first texts that presents us this with this opportunity. After walking in nature and as we see what is around and what is growing under our feet we should wonder where are food is coming from. I came from Vietnam so even as I'm living in America I have a good understanding of growing food, the land, and being apart of that system. I do often find myself eating things that doesn't have one natural ingredient in it! I think now we should really start at what we're buying at the grocery stores and what our food is made of. We should be more conscious of where the food we are eating comes from - what country, what ingredients, and it from the ground or from a food production plant. Green Lit is given us a chance to look at many different type of landscape and the way some are slowly becoming alter of human development and advancement. I think we have to start of being more mindful of how our wants are affecting nature, and it doesn't have be in an obsessive way. But once we know we can find a way to still have what we need to live well, with little impact on the environment. I also highly recommend those who have land or pots to start growing a few things so we can see the dedication and love people and nature put into growing plants that nourish us.

If you want to know more about what some of us are doing with Food Rules, come check out the sister blog : D

1 comment:

  1. What a nice "call to arms" for the _Food Rules_ experiment! You've raised several good points... that we will discuss in detail as we move through all of our texts this semester. So stay tuned!
