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Friday, September 24, 2010

Steel Giant Nucor To Build La. Plant

Recently the greenlight was given by Louisiana government officials to move forward on allow -ing Nucor, one of the largest, private steel producers in the U.S. ,to design and construct a multi-billion dollar facility in Convent, Louisiana. The plant which would rest near the Mississippi River in St. James Parish, is said to be a large boost for the local economy, allowing for residents to compete for more than 1,250 jobs which would pay workers around $75,000.00 per worker. More importantly beyond the increased tax revenue generated and jobs, is the company's vision to design a DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) facility which would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, or green house gas emisssions from the use of the mill's industrial-grade furnances. Originally, Nucor's idea was to build a pig iron plant, but it would be too costly on the environment and locals long term health. The company is said to have a long track record of success in building good relations with the communities surrounding their operations. A spokesperson for Nucor said that they intend not only to profit from the expansion of their business, but more importantly executives for Nucor are concerned about cconveying a positive image to the public by focusing on ethical business practices, and taking into account the implications for the affect their industry has on the residents living witin close proximity of the plant.

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