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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Death of Chocolate

I was reading this article about how our chocolate source, the cocoa plant, is being depleted. Chocolate is my favorite food. I eat it every night before bed. I especially like dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has become very trendy over the past few years. Dark chocolate requires more cocoa than regular chocolate. Therefor, this trend has increased the demand for cocoa more than ever. cocoa trees are native to the American rain forests. In order to produce more cocoa, cocoa trees are being planted in groves under direct sunlight. This practice reduces the trees' lifespan to about thirty years and calls for more forest to be cut down for growing more trees. It has been predicted that eventually chocolate prices will rise and chocolate will become a rare luxury like saffron. That makes me a little sad.

1 comment:

  1. NOOOO!!! I love chocolate too! But with the prices of EVERYTHING food-wise going up these days, I might be eating potatoes for the rest of my life, haha. I hope Ghiradelli and Lindt don't go out of business!! Sad day!

    PS Paul Schwartz is a good friend of mine and I talked to him tonight and he said he knew you!! Small world!!! :D
