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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Miscommunication and Mass-hysteria

All day and night, people have been talking about the water situation. Whether letting this out through Facebook statuses, treading topics on Twitter or simple communication through friends, it has been on most's mind. I think this situation is a perfect example of the types of things that happen when enviromental issues occur, no matter how big or small.

Many Facebook statues I read followed the lines of "there is no more water in New Orleans," "Since there is no more water, than I miswell drink alcohol," and "Why is a port city is there no water."

Actually, there is water in the city so saying that there is none is abolutely ridiculous. There simple a boil-water advisory; stress on the word advisory. The state is by no means saying that one must boil their water or they will immediately die. They are advising, not mandating. Simply using common sense will keep you safe and sound.

This morning when getting ready, I actually found it interesting to not use tap water of any kind unless boiled or none at all. It put in perspective for me what it is like to have such a luxery. There are many that don't have clean water every day of their life and yet use it as a necessity to survive. I found it an interesting experiment in something that I never really took the time to think about sadly.

I feel that in these types of situations, knowing the facts is key. Don't necessarily believe everything you hear. I heard people in the library today saying they heard that sewage was in the water. This is a misinformed statement that is all hersay. Also, by knowing the facts and using common sense you can stay safe and avoid giving into this panic of confusion.

The same could be said for things like viruses, recalls of food, air pollution on health or other issues. The reports from city and state officials shoudl be read and the procautions taken.

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