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Monday, November 29, 2010

Going Green?

I have been considering the green movement a lot lately. I realize that a lot of times it can be trendy and not overly beneficial, however I have come to think that any positive change is good. It is good that going green is popular. It is better than no one knowing or caring about the environment. I am under the impression that the green movement is often mocked for dealing with trivial environmental issues and not addressing the real problem. It is very easy to say what is wrong with the environment. I notice that a lot of times, however, solutions to these problems are not posed. While the small things, like turning of lights and conserving water and being aware of what you are eating, don't fix the problem, they are moving in that direction...

Also, I really liked this video.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes. I agree that any positive change is good. My concern w/ the "green movement" per se is its "greenwashing" effect: it seems to cover over the real problems, allowing those who are using reusable grocery bags or only buying organic, for example, to think that that is the way to save the world (so to speak). In some ways, it certainly is. But in others, it washes over the multitude of interconnected consequences that need to be negotiated--providing the false sense of security that a single action can produce widespread change. We still favor instant gratification over a process that we may never actually be able to appreciate in our own lifetime... but that, by virtue of our informed actions, can in fact outlive us.
