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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Highway Across the Serengeti
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Green Poetry
Do you understand
Green Poetry, like a tree
Or is it empty?
Is nature crazy?
Or we deceive as we please
Do we all connect?
A web of lies in disguise
Trees and bumble bees
Silenced by the forest's din
Paths gone here and there
Friday, October 29, 2010
Endless Space
Then I realized the possibility for cooperation between molecules. If two bodies could fully cooperate with each other I think they could transcend the space. What if both bodies rearranged their molecules? Would even the molecules themselves be able to touch? Even if they did touch they would also not be touching. Sort of how we are both ourselves and not and in the mesh and not. Maybe the space is what connects us. Space is what gives a body it's form and distinction and the possibility for transcendence. Space makes distinctions and then tells us that they do not matter. This is my understanding of the mesh thus far. We can never be in the mesh when space exists because we will always separate ourselves. However, we are always in the mesh because we are all connected by this space. An awareness of this distinction might lead to a transcendence. Who knows?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Amelie's Delocalized Adventure
It makes Sense!!! ... I think.
How often do we think about pantyhose? Ha, probably not often if you're a girl, and hopefully not at all if you're a guy. But how funny it is that we "live" in the pantyhose every day.
Pantyhose aside, talking about the idea of the "self" (not a self) that has visible (yet invisible) permeable boundaries helped clarify everything we've been reading (absorbing?) in The Ecological Thought.
I felt that Derrida's ideas in Differance really helped tie things together for me, too. (Thank you, Dr. Schaberg!) For those of you who are unfamiliar with Derrida's philosophy, the "Differance" refers to the space between things, to put it extremely reductively. Basically, the differance would be the space that occupies the place between each letter of each word and between each word of each sentence, etc., helping to tie all of the pieces-parts together.
I am so relieved to finally have some sense of clarity in regard to this "ecological thought" theory.
Now whether this is a sporadic "light" that will soon disappear (kind of like a firefly... now you see it - now you don't) has yet to be seen (or not seen). Perhaps it was just a moment of clarity that graced my mind for a beautiful 2 minutes in class that will soon be lost forever. Actually, no it won't - it may have passed through my permeable non-boundary boundary for the moment, but no worries, it'll be meandering around in the mesh somewhere....
Helpful Videos
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Dancing about Architecture
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Attempting to Write a "Nature-Themed" Poem
Roses blooming in a garden of concrete and tombstone.
Weak rays of lights cannot penetrate the dreary sky
The clouds darken as the thunderous heavens moan.
A sleek black crow lets out a piercing cry,
as the first raindrop bleeds from the loaded clouds.
The torrential rain pours down in sheets
Loose garbage melts like candle wax off the grassy mounds
and the parched stream thickens with mud and sleet.
The once-radiant sunburnt petals wilt in the rain
Their stems growing weak and brittle with time
A guided symbol of lost love and pain
Polluted waters wilting the leafy spines.
All nature’s beauty ultimately fades
Like roses aging in silence amidst their watery graves.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
If People Were Like Bees or Ants
Bees engage in a sort of dance to communicate. They move from one location to another in a swarm. The swarm protects the bees because less bees will be harmed if there is an outer layer of bees shielding the others. Each bee has a job. Scout bees find new nesting sites, agree through dance upon their success, and then return to the hive to convince the other bees of their success. A decision is then made quickly by the whole hive whether or not to leave.
Ants communicate through the release of chemical messages called pheromones. One time I observed ants trying to gather popcorn and take it back to the pile. It was interesting. Any time an ant passed another ant it would stop and touch the other ants feelers. In no time there were too many ants to count. The popcorn was gathered in no time. Ants create little cities with waste dumps on the outer edges. They know to put the waste away from them in order to stay healthy. Even humans weren't great at this in the old days. Ants send out chemicals in order to make a collective decision about when to to bite a food source. They secretively swarm and bite their pray all at the same time in a surprise attack.
Engineers have started trying to emulate this swarm mentality when creating robots. They are creating swarm bots which communicate and make decisions as a group. This technology is particularly handy because if robots can communicate they can repair themselves and even make new robots. Well, maybe that is a little scary, but I think that the swarm mentality could be helpful to humans in other ways. If people made decisions that were less selfish and in the best interest of everyone, the world would be a better place.
I'd also like to comment on how insects are so feared by people. They are not nearly as intimidating as some large carnivorous mammals, however, something about them tends to make humans really uncomfortable. I think that it's because they are so different from us. People tend to be afraid of the "other". It's not as easy to personify bugs just as it is not as easy to personify plants. I think that this is why people can so easily kill either organism.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Grass: To cut or not to cut? That is the question.
Yet some people, I imagine, might find this offensive. Why? Maybe because they think things should be left in their natural state. Maybe because they feel that its "harming the environment." To me, (and I hope most would agree) this seems a little extreme. I can appreciate maybe clearing out a forest unnecessarily as "offensive," but cutting your grass? That is expected.
Why do I bring this up? Well, it strikes me as really funny how much more attune I've become to anything pertaining to the environment/nature since taking this class. This evening, my dad and I were stuck in traffic and were talking about transplanting perennials and planting trees in my yard, and somehow got on the subject of grass cutting. He said he is more of a "natural landscaper," (oxymoron?) in the sense that he really could care less about "finely manicuring" everything, i.e., weed-eating, leaf-blowing, hedge-trimming "maintenence" with which many homeowners find their weekends occupied. Now, this in part could be because they live out in the country and so while we do have nice flowerbeds around our home and no shortage of trees and things to keep pruned, I can definitely appreciate his lack of motivation to keep everything so precisely manicured. He prefers to spend three or more hours out under the open sky, on his big Cub tractor (yes, its yellow) just slowly making his rounds around their (mostly open) 3+ acres. He finds it relaxing, refreshing, calming. And, too, there's just nothing like that "fresh cut grass." It looks nice, it smells nice, and he takes pride in keeping it that way and takes personal pleasure in the practice of cutting it.
I'm not quite sure exactly where I'm going with this, other than that while we were having this conversation, it struck me that my mind immediately jumped to our class and to the things we've been learning and to what others' "reactions" might be to something as simple as grass-cutting, insofar as it pertains to our "environment" and to "nature" and to living in the "mesh."
The Known Universe
Thursday, October 21, 2010
We mentioned in class that we are able to see connections to Buddhist philosophies in the text. I immediately thought of the concept of "anatta" or "no-self" in which it is impossible for a soul to exist in a being, because a soul is a fixed and permanent entity and we are subject to inevitable decay-- put simply, feel free to elaborate or correct me. A being is not permanent. Thinking about the continuous change that is the human life cycle made it easier for me to connect with the idea that the "I" is not as seperate as we like to imagine. Like we said in class, the "I" in a word statement like "I am lying" (I forget the proper name for these contradictory statements) becomes seperated but still completely dependant on the "I" that is speaking. The "I" that is speaking is not, in fact, "lying" when admitting (truthfully) to be telling a falsehood (we described this much better in class, so confusing!). I see how these two I's are seperate, in a way, but still ultimately connected. One could not exist without the other.
In imagining the process of a human life including death decay, and how we are constantly changing, it is easier to see the web of connections we have to everyone and everything around us.
Environmental Anthropocentrism and Silly Folk
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
a weekend in the wood
According to Edward Abbey, the flashlight, like the other items I left at home, "tends to separate a man from the world around him" (15). I completely agree. At night, the light constricts the pupils and produces an extremely limited line of vision. In the woods, I chose to walk down the night path without this safety blanket and my experience was beautiful. I could see extremely well. The moon and the multitude of bright shining stars lit the way.
Unfortunately, not all of the retreaters headed Abbey's advice. Perhaps they have not even thought about it. When you're in the woods and it's dark, our minds automatically think "Flashlight!" Passing those toting electric torches, I was blinded. The light that was suppossed to guide me actually blinded me.
The theme of the retreat was based around Matisyahu's song "I Will Be Light."
You've got one tiny moment in time
For life to shine, to shine
To burn away the darkness
During this one tiny moment without a flashlight, the shining life of my eyes, my soul, the moon, and the stars burned away the darkness.
BP Dolphin ride
It's going in my talk no doubt!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Messing up the Mesh
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Just Checking In
Over the course of this next week I will attempt to wean myself away from the comfort food I have been cheating with, and try to consume more fruit rather than the fruit tarts, but this is going to be a real challenge for me. I will keep you posted on the progress throughout the week which will also help me to stay on track while reminding myself of the importance of this task.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Starting Over. A Rant.
Then I realized the nature of humans is so far removed from nature itself that the chance of people ever being forced to communicate and live in harmony by some catastrophic event is miniscule. That would require everyone to be open minded and not completely selfish which is impossible. I want to know how to help people see how beautiful the world is and how important it is to connect. I want an end to individualism and a new beginning where people see themselves as part of a whole. I think that might give nature a fighting chance. This just goes back to the need for education. My question is, how can a person come to be open minded and truly affected by information and not experience? How can respect and love for everything be taught?
“We Aren't the World”
Actually it's a talk I gave yesterday in Albuquerque. I speak third after Levi Bryant and Ian Bogost. More details here.
Friday, October 15, 2010
S.O.S. Save Our Stomachs
In Search of Answer
The "Is Humanity Suicidal" article was written in 1993 I believe and we are living in 2010 so there are some times I feel like I have to clear up. The first thing that really caught my eye was his population estimate for Nigeria. He believed that Nigeria's population would be doubled from 1988 to 216 million by 2010, oh wait we're in 2010 and the true population of Nigeria is 160 million which isn't as much as he thought. It is still the most populated country in Africa though. It is still a great increase, but my point that since his estimates are high and aren't correct, we still have time to undo some of the damages and change things. Nigeria has about 55 million less than he thought, just think about all the food and water and energy we saved! So there is always time to change and make things better, but I think world economies don't care about that, all they really care about is making money. Some countries like Costa Rica are trying to protect their lands, but most aren't.
I am kind of upset about how he is uneasy about eco-feminism. I consider myself a feminist and yes, I really do believe it is mainly men who are crushing and destroying and controlling the earth into these dire situations. Yes, there are some women and some supposedly good people that are doing it too, but mainly men and i don't see what is the problem with loving Mother Nature and thinking that 'ecosystem abuse is rooted in male-dominated concepts, values, and institutions!" I think it is a masculine thing where men want to show their power and that can really be achieve through dominating nature! That's just my opinion.
Strange Stranger Strange Stranger Strange Stranger.... can you say that three times fast?
When reading "Ecological Thought" I felt as though I couldn't quite grasp at what exactly Morton was getting at; at least, not yet anyway. I feel that while the text was riddled with great examples (no pun intended, considering I can't seem to figure any of this out yet :) I felt that it was all a bit abstract and too wide in scope for me to quite wrap my head around. I like to be able to read and comprehend things right there on the spot; I struggle when I have to mull over topics in my head again and again in order to try and come to a conclusion as to what is being said. Hopefully this will hash itself out as I continue with the reading... I'm up for the challenge!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thoughts on Thoughts
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Environmental Blogs
Got2BeGreen is blog that is a little confusing at first but this is because it is written in the language of the author and you can just translate. I found this very appealing and unique since it was so universal. There was a little box on the side that allowed you to translate into the language of your choice and read on. The blog features green technology, products and a few restaurants and grocery stores. I was a little unsure about some of the products but found a lot that I had never heard of. The Mister Steamy ball was a favorite used for lowering the use of water and energy during laundry uses.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
slight ranting
A Lack of Stars
I wonder how the animals are affected by the lack of stars. This may be off topic, but I heard that women who live in the wilderness experience menstrual cycles that are in sync with the stages of the moon. Likewise the moon effects tides and therefor the lives of countless fish. Bugs fly into artificial lights and die. I went to a place called Starhill, Louisiana. I saw no stars. It's just something I have been considering.
Friday, October 8, 2010
An Undefining Definition
Yet at the same time I knew that we, too, were a "part" of nature, although I had never taken the time to consider how we quite "fit" into our "environment," whatever that is.
I've come to realize just how ambiguous all of these terms really are, and that the definition of them seems almost completely individualized. We can look at how Thoreau defined "nature" and compare/contrast it with Leopold's definition, and compare/contrast that with Emerson's, and compare/contrast that with Abbey's, and compare/contrast that with "Wise Use", and com---- you get the idea. Its so nuanced! There are parts where they overlap and parts where they differ. So what is "nature?" And how can we be the best stewards of this nature?
I think its hard to be a steward of something you don't completely understand or know how to define. If you don't understand the goal, then you won't care about working toward it. Perhaps some of our abuse of the land has been because we don't truly understand what we are supposed to be preserving or how we are supposed to be 'working with' it.
And on a totally random side note, when reading deTocqueville yesterday, I came across the passage that we alluded to in class - the one where Tocqueville criticizes the Indians for not using the land because they were merely "hunters." Um, didn't they plant corn? I mean, what about that Traditional Thanksgiving story we all heard again and again as children... where the Indians brought us corn to eat since we were so very starving ... the corn and crops that the Indians taught us how to plant?
Reign Over Nature
-de Tocqueville, 323
As we have talked about it in class, the way in which he viewed conquering the wild. I think his language is interesting because I know anything foreign or what they don't know they call 'salvages', but I think it's interesting that he used 'civilized Europeans'. Shouldn't it be understood that the Europeans are already civilized, or is he trying to further emphasize that? He even talks about the "material prosperity of the Americans." This is all he is really worried about in his essay. I guess all he really wants to see is the wealth that people can harness from the untamed American lands. In the end, he gives the impression that being wealthy gives you more freedom and he was allowed to do that in America.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Nature Maker
I thought it was hysterical people will pay to design their own steel trees to put into airports and casinos. Especially since the trees they're designing look so real.
What's wrong with real trees?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Fear and the "Implacable INdifference" in Desert Solitaire
At this point in the novel Abbey concedes to an understanding of the human capacity to fear raw nature that he denies in himself. His toughness, and condescension toward man's relationship with nature, causes him to take on a persona of "lone ranger." He regards himself as a man alone in the wilderness. He is weary of bothersome tourists who take a different, more shallow approach to "his" desert canyon. He demonstrates this weariness in his"hardness" towards humanity and his reverence of nature. In his treatment of tourists, we see sarcasm masked by humor, but also tolerance. If he really wanted tourists to leave the desert canyon, he could take a much harder approach (tell them it's dangerous, don't let them think he's joking, manipulate their emotions, and be abrupt-- all under a guise of friendly helpfulness). So we come to the conclusion that Abbey does not despise the tourists. He is disgusted by their behavior, but understanding of the reasons behind it, however morose and twisted the reprocussions may be.
The quote at the beginning of this post is Abbey's admittance of his own humanity; his own fear that he overcomes in pursuit of a higher knowledge and understanding of nature. Fear in this sense could mean many things: fear of diversity, fear of the unusual, fear of the unknown, fear of the uncontrollable, unrestrained, and the unrecognized. There are many reasons humans fear the rawness of nature. Personally, I could list a dozen more. Abbey is recognizing not only that these fears exist and run rampant in society, but also that they are natural and understandable (one step away from forgivable) fears. Difference is synonymous with fear in our culture. All things that are severely different cause conflict with our own beliefs systems, challenge our thoughts, emotions, and experiences.
Desert life poses serious obstacles for a man or woman raised in the comforts of cities we have created out of these once "natural" lands. Putting a city boy in the desert is like taking the lone, wild horse and putting him in a barn in rural Missouri. However, for Abbey to admit that fear is understandable, even in only a "brief instance" is a rare occurence in this novel. This leads me back to the question we have been trying to answer in class: "What is the desert a medium for in this novel?" I believe Abbey is using the desert as a medium for awareness. Just as Abbey is demonstrating awareness of our human approach to nature and it's understandable flaws in this passage, through Abbey's lense of experience we can become more aware of the desert (it's multi-faceted connections with humanity, animal life, and the global environment). We begin to touch the surface of understanding it's beauty. From the brief experience provided for us second-hand by Abbey I have determined that some of this beauty lies in the *difference* between nature and the cities we have created to shelter us from it.
Wall Arch Collapses

"In the government truck I make a final tour of the park. East past the Balanced Rock to Double Arch and the Windows... past Tunnel Arch, Pine Tree Arch, Landscape Arch, Partition Arch, Navajo Arch, and Wall Arch..." (Abbey, 267)
"Wall Arch, located along the popular Devil's Gardens Trail at Arches National Park collapsed sometime during the night of August 4, 2008. Rock has continued to fall from the arms of the remaining arch, necessitating the closure of the Devil's Garden Trail just beyond Landscape Arch.
On August 7, 2008 representatives of both the National Park Service Geologic Resources Division and the Utah Geological Survey visited the site and noted obvious stress fractures in the remaining formation.
First reported and named by Lewis T. McKinney in 1948, Wall Arch was a freestanding arch in the Slickrock member of Entrada sandstone. The openning beneath the span was 71-feet wide and 33-1/2-feet high. It ranked 12th in size among the over 2,000 known arches in the park. "
"You're holding a tombstone in your hands. A bloody rock." (Abbey, xiv)
Monday, October 4, 2010
A Poem from the Beautiful Nature Imagery in Desert Solitaire
By Edward Abbey
We see no mountain lions this evening.
Nor any of the local deer,
although the little heart-shaped tracks of the former
are apparent in the sand.
Javelina, or Pecary, too, reside in this area;
piglike animals with tusks,
oversized heads,
and tapering bodies—
they roam the slopes and gulches in family bands
(like Apaches)
living on roots, tubers, and innards of barrel cactus
on grubs, insects, and carrion.
like us—
and equally playful,
if not so dangerous.
Any desert canyon with permanent water, like Aravaipa,
will be as full of life as it is beautiful.
talk the talk and walk the Walk

Congratulations to the top 10 Walk cities!
New York City | $79,644 |
Toronto | $16,724 |
Baltimore | $13,543 |
San Francisco | $12,711 |
Boston | $11,702 |
Phoenix | $11,300 |
Hartford | $9,172 |
South Florida | $9,000 |
Chicago | $8,876 |
Santa Monica/LA | $8,774 |
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Speaking the Truth
Why it's cool to be green
Sunday, May 13, 2007 3:52 AM
How about a hybrid car or a new energy-efficient washing machine? Did you know that compact fluorescent lights use one-third the electricity of regular bulbs?
After years of being stuck on society's back burner, the environment is popular again. It's cool to be green.
Lawmakers are looking to cap so-called greenhouse gases that are blamed for climate change, movie stars are buying "carbon credits" and businesses are pushing eco-friendly products.
From Ford and General Electric to Wal-Mart and SC Johnson (the maker of Pledge furniture polish), companies are flooding the airwaves with commercials that tout themselves as green.
"Everybody's got an angle," said Jim Coleman, director of Ohio's Tomorrow, an advocacy group that wants to reduce global warming.
"I think it's tremendous that the business community is the one leading this.
Experts tie this new "greening" of America to several factors, including:
• Soaring gas prices that created a market for hybrid cars and revived efforts to replace fossil fuels with alternative energy sources.
• Some scientists' linking of Hurricane Katrina to global warming.
• The Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, which brought worldwide attention to climate change.
• The reports issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that say greenhouse gases must be reduced by 2015 to prevent everything from famine to animal extinction.
Andrew Hoffman, a University of Michigan professor who studies business response to environmental issues, said the United States is riding the third wave of environmentalism.
The first began in the late 1960s, when environmental disasters including Cleveland's Cuyahoga River fire helped spur the first Earth Day and the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The second began in the 1980s, with concerns about a hole in Earth's ozone layer and a toxic chemical leak in Bhopal, India, that killed thousands of people.
This latest resurgence, centered on global warming, "is an environmental issue like no other," Hoffman said.
"It ties into so many other issues, like national security and national competitiveness."
Another big difference, Hoffman said, is how businesses are responding. Instead of fighting change, many are embracing it as a way to cut costs or make more money.The nation's largest retailer, Wal-Mart, plans to cut its greenhouse-gas emissions 20 percent over the next eight years and said it will design new stores that use 30 percent less energy.
The company also started a campaign last fall to sell 100 million compact fluorescent light bulbs, called CFLs, each year.
In April, the do-it-yourself giant Home Depot announced that it would offer more than 2,500 eco-products, including all-natural insect repellents and plants in biodegradable pots.
"We want to get ahead of an emerging trend," said Jen King, a Home Depot spokeswoman.
Environmental advocacy groups say they are benefiting from this new green wave.
The Sierra Club said its e-mail newsletter has grown from 150,000 subscribers in 2004 to more than 600,000 today, spokeswoman Orli Cotel said.
"It used to be that if you wanted to live a green lifestyle, you'd have to invest in really expensive technologies, like (solar panels)," Cotel said. "These days, anyone can get involved without making really drastic changes."
Then there is the carbon-offset industry.
Several companies offer investment stakes in projects that reduce carbon dioxide. The idea is that you might have a huge house or car that requires burning a lot of fossil fuels, but you can offset that pollution by buying the credits.
Alexia Kelly, a policy analyst with the nonprofit Climate Trust, which sells offsets, said the credits are more than a way to reduce guilt.
"We look for things that make permanent reductions" in carbon dioxide, such as restoration of an Ecuadorean rainforest, Kelly said.
But will all of these efforts really save the planet?
Hoffman said he expects that Congress will cap the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that power plants and other companies emit.
"When it subsides, the world is different than it was," he said. "Prior to 1970, the idea of national regulation on the environment didn't seem reasonable.
"Now here we are, and it makes perfect sense."
Saturday, October 2, 2010
a whatchamacallit
Friday, October 1, 2010
Naked Self
Tangible vs. Transcendent
But I think that just might be it: the idea that we ARE human and we live and breathe in the natural world. This world is as much a part of us as we are part of it. (We're all made from dust, our bodies will decay and fertilize the earth, etc.) How am I doing at staying realistic so far? (Ok don't answer that...)Obviously the point is that we must do something, the question is WHAT.
I got to thinking this morning that maybe the desert, just as it is dry and empty and desolate and hot and arid - as Tien mentioned - is symbolic (here we go ;) of the state of mind that each of us find ourselves in in relation to the earth. Seriously: we keep finding ourselves concerned with this question of "what can we do?" "we don't know how." Well, how did Abbey look at the desert? He got right up in its face and lived with it, sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much so (think when he messed up the ant pile just because he didn't "particularly care for ants.") So I think maybe one of the ways in which we can address the problem with which we are faced - what do we do? - is to just get right up in its face and LIVE. Meet and see each thing for what it is, as you see it (Thanks Amelie, loved reading your post; I've often thought the same thing about perception) and make the concrete decision to make whatever small changes you can make that are within your power to make. This way, we won't feel quite so overwhelmed, all at once anyway.
So what are some small changes we can make? There are the obvious, such as parents reverting to cloth diapering, growing your own food, being less wasteful, etc. What about turning off the lights in every room that you are not using? Saves energy. What about turning off the water during the time your toothbrush is in your mouth? You might do this already, but I don't. Would save water. And believe it or not, speaking of water, your diswasher uses less water than hand-washing does. BUT, your diswasher also uses energy. So you see, like Abbey, we may not always be successful either. But we can try. And as they say, its the "thought that counts" (And the subsequent effort that counts, too).
Desert Don't Care
It might have something to do with Abbey's constant rambling or his self-righteousness or the fact that he thinks he has it so much better than us, but he is human. I also feel like his writing is all over the place and yes, he wants to talk about a lot and that is fine. I think he sometimes doesn't know or aware of what he's saying so that leaves me to not care either. But in his defense this could all be the framing of the book and the way he intended for us to view it. It's the desert, it's desolate, dry, it can seem empty, lonely, a bit crazy, or drive us a bit crazy. So at times, his writing style and narrative contributes to the wild nature of life in the desert and all the things going on with him and in his head. I I haven't finished the book yet, so many my opinion of him and his words will change. I'm trying to figure out if there is something specific that he wants us to get out of this or maybe this is what it is and we have to take it for surface value like him.
I also realize that sidewalks were constructed so that people don't have to walk in the grass. So often people walk in the grass anyway. This kills several of the microorganisms that were living there. It's just strange that people changed the land by replacing everything with an invasive species that was more aesthetically pleasing, built sidewalks to protect that species, and now walk all over that species killing the organisms that people in effect put there.