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Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Lack of Stars

Sometimes I forget that there are stars. There are so many lights that we turn on at night here, that I haven't had a chance to see them in a while. I don't usually think about it, but now that I am it is making me sad. No one ever talks about light pollution. Maybe no one thinks that the stars are important. Looking out at a night sky filled with stars helps us see how small we are. There is a lot to learn from the stars. They tell us how to measure time. It's ironic that humanity in the beginning gained much of their knowledge from the observation of the universe and now humanity uses that knowledge to destroy the universe.

I wonder how the animals are affected by the lack of stars. This may be off topic, but I heard that women who live in the wilderness experience menstrual cycles that are in sync with the stages of the moon. Likewise the moon effects tides and therefor the lives of countless fish. Bugs fly into artificial lights and die. I went to a place called Starhill, Louisiana. I saw no stars. It's just something I have been considering.

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