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Thursday, October 28, 2010

It makes Sense!!! ... I think.

So the image of pantyhose today, ironically enough, really worked toward helping me "understand" (that I don't understand).

How often do we think about pantyhose? Ha, probably not often if you're a girl, and hopefully not at all if you're a guy. But how funny it is that we "live" in the pantyhose every day.

Pantyhose aside, talking about the idea of the "self" (not a self) that has visible (yet invisible) permeable boundaries helped clarify everything we've been reading (absorbing?) in The Ecological Thought.

I felt that Derrida's ideas in Differance really helped tie things together for me, too. (Thank you, Dr. Schaberg!) For those of you who are unfamiliar with Derrida's philosophy, the "Differance" refers to the space between things, to put it extremely reductively. Basically, the differance would be the space that occupies the place between each letter of each word and between each word of each sentence, etc., helping to tie all of the pieces-parts together.

I am so relieved to finally have some sense of clarity in regard to this "ecological thought" theory.

Now whether this is a sporadic "light" that will soon disappear (kind of like a firefly... now you see it - now you don't) has yet to be seen (or not seen). Perhaps it was just a moment of clarity that graced my mind for a beautiful 2 minutes in class that will soon be lost forever. Actually, no it won't - it may have passed through my permeable non-boundary boundary for the moment, but no worries, it'll be meandering around in the mesh somewhere....

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