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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dancing about Architecture

Hey I just wrote this post over at my blog. I think it has a pretty environmental theme.

1 comment:

  1. How does this relate linguistically?

    We live within worlds "contained" by our language and can only perceive objects/hyper-objects, people, places etc. by the conceptualized language we are conditioned to speak.

    Does this mean that our imprisonment of linguistics is both real and not real (like the self and the non-self)?

    Perhaps I'm not making sense, but language is the way we perceive say, Music. I perceive Music as an English-speaker would, whereas someone who speaks Cantonese would experience Music differently because of the different container they are in.

    How would that relate to your post about language being irrelevant to describing/ experiencing Music with Music or architecture without dancing?
