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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Environmental Blogs

As a huge fan of the blogs, I went in search of some other environmental blogs and came upon Read Write Web. They had an article on the top 25 environmental blogs out there based on their personal opinion but many are ranked Nationally and throughout the world for having the largest amount of followers or hits. After scanning a few, here are some of the ones I found interesting.

Got2BeGreen is blog that is a little confusing at first but this is because it is written in the language of the author and you can just translate. I found this very appealing and unique since it was so universal. There was a little box on the side that allowed you to translate into the language of your choice and read on. The blog features green technology, products and a few restaurants and grocery stores. I was a little unsure about some of the products but found a lot that I had never heard of. The Mister Steamy ball was a favorite used for lowering the use of water and energy during laundry uses.

Green as a Thistle is another blog about a woman who is trying to be more environmentally friendly everyday and as documents it on this blog. I really liked this one because it is a real person, on a budget, trying to lessen her footstep. Some posts are very sappy, as in the grass ring her boyfriend proposed to her with a palm leaf ring, which others focus on her hardships. After she finished her year long mission, she wrote a book and started a eco-friendly motherhood blog.

Happy reading.

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