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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Attempting to Write a "Nature-Themed" Poem

I chose to write this poem in sonnet form because typical themes of sonnets include nature and love; very traditional themes of poetry. Although in class we talked alot about the interweaving of two forces in poetry, humankind and nature, I approached this poem as more of an elegy for a bed of roses. I got the idea from orange roses my mother sent me on my 21st birthday that were still in my room, dried and wilted with muddy water in the vase.


Roses blooming in a garden of concrete and tombstone.
Weak rays of lights cannot penetrate the dreary sky
The clouds darken as the thunderous heavens moan.
A sleek black crow lets out a piercing cry,
as the first raindrop bleeds from the loaded clouds.
The torrential rain pours down in sheets
Loose garbage melts like candle wax off the grassy mounds
and the parched stream thickens with mud and sleet.
The once-radiant sunburnt petals wilt in the rain
Their stems growing weak and brittle with time
A guided symbol of lost love and pain
Polluted waters wilting the leafy spines.
All nature’s beauty ultimately fades
Like roses aging in silence amidst their watery graves.

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