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Friday, October 15, 2010

In Search of Answer

Since we didn't get to talk about the Edward Wilson's pieces, I'll post about them here. I do what Wilson says on page 134 of how "the search of material nature of a species and environment is through a combined idiom of science and the humanities." I just combined those together, not sure they were really meant to, but I like how he implies there is a partnership between science and the humanities. I admire his commitment to really experiencing nature because he went all the way to New Guinea to do it. If anyone knows anything about the island, pretty much everytime they find a new species of animals, they are probably from New Guinea.

The "Is Humanity Suicidal" article was written in 1993 I believe and we are living in 2010 so there are some times I feel like I have to clear up. The first thing that really caught my eye was his population estimate for Nigeria. He believed that Nigeria's population would be doubled from 1988 to 216 million by 2010, oh wait we're in 2010 and the true population of Nigeria is 160 million which isn't as much as he thought. It is still the most populated country in Africa though. It is still a great increase, but my point that since his estimates are high and aren't correct, we still have time to undo some of the damages and change things. Nigeria has about 55 million less than he thought, just think about all the food and water and energy we saved! So there is always time to change and make things better, but I think world economies don't care about that, all they really care about is making money. Some countries like Costa Rica are trying to protect their lands, but most aren't.

I am kind of upset about how he is uneasy about eco-feminism. I consider myself a feminist and yes, I really do believe it is mainly men who are crushing and destroying and controlling the earth into these dire situations. Yes, there are some women and some supposedly good people that are doing it too, but mainly men and i don't see what is the problem with loving Mother Nature and thinking that 'ecosystem abuse is rooted in male-dominated concepts, values, and institutions!" I think it is a masculine thing where men want to show their power and that can really be achieve through dominating nature! That's just my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. This is great. Thank you for addressing the Wilson readings, and for updating/confronting them. And it would appear that your reading of "male-dominated concepts" could, in part, be aligned w/ Morton's, no?
